• Global Leadership Program
  • Global Leadership Program
  • Global Leadership Program
  • Global Leadership Program

Global Leadership Program

AGBU’s prestigious Global Leadership Program gives high-achieving university students a unique opportunity to enhance their personal networks, learn from local mentors and gain industry exposure in their field of study. With personalized placements in stimulating environments, each participant is intentionally connected with like-minded professionals, getting an early start in building their career network as they acquire new skills. The complementary activities geared at leadership training and professional development not only equip participants with tools for their individual progress, they foster a network of support from a cohort of community leaders and aspiring professionals

Founded in 1987 in New York City, the AGBU Global Leadership Program (formerly NYSIP) quickly established itself as a premier program for generations of Armenian leaders. Its great success prompted expansions sister programs throughout the world, including in Los Angeles (1989), Paris (2003), Yerevan (2007), Moscow (2010), London (2015), Buenos Aires (2017) and most recently Boston (2019).

Attracting the best and the brightest Armenian students from around the world, the program matches participants with young professional mentors and prominent host institutions – from Fortune 500 companies to public sector organizations. The program is strategically structured to include a range of networking events, professional development seminars, workshops, and cultural activities. Hands-on experience, coupled with the supplemental curriculum, empowers students with the resources and training they need to forge their career paths and compete in the global marketplace.

To date, the AGBU Global Leadership Program has connected hundreds of diasporan peers who have risen to the top of their fields and their communities. Our accomplished alumni continuously give back to society, as many become supervisors and mentors to new generations of global leaders, and make generous contributions that sustain AGBU’s work.

Find out more about the AGBU Global Leadership Program.